Friday, May 29, 2009


I couldn't get in my measly three miles yesterday so I had to do it today instead (Fridays and Sundays are my rest days). My mileage actually drops down to 9 miles tomorrow (every 3 weeks, the long run mileage goes down to get ready for the next increase). So running 3 today wasn't a big deal.

I started out and it looked like rain so it was gloriously windy and cool (and never rained on me or my ipod- perfect!). I felt good so I ran a pretty good pace to start. By halfway, I got the crazy idea to see if I could get a sub 8 minute mile. I've gotten 8 before, but not below it. It would just feel so good to be in the 7's, even if it was just a 5k. I pushed at the end (but not 100%... for some reason I shy away from giving 100% at the end... probably b/c I think I'll keel over before I finish) but ended in 24:15... 8:05. Oh well! Who knows how accurate my courses are anyway, I could easily be 15 seconds above or below that (although I seriously doubt the latter).

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