Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Tiffany and I are still working on syncing our running preferences. We figured out a plan that we both like. I like to have 2 recovery days after my long run to ward off any injuries creeping up on me and she likes to run Mondays, so we decided she'll run alone Mondays, I'll run alone Tuesdays, and we'll run together on Wednesdays, Thursdays and of course on Saturdays.

I'm pretty frustrated right now though because the first day I ran with Tiffany I got shin splints. I have NEVER gotten a single shin splint in my life, not in my training last year, not in all the training I've been doing since February, nothing. And bam, first run together and I'm like "what the heck is this?" And it kept getting worse all last week. After our 12 miles on Saturday it was pretty bad. I tried to "run through it" (dumb) yesterday and it hurt the whole time. I'm toying with the idea of taking some time off but I can't take too much off or I'll screw up my training. Not exactly sure what I'm going to do. We did some yoga this morning and it felt so good. Maybe I can just do more cross training this week and when I stop hobbling around I can jump back into running. We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Shin splints are the worst! I got them really bad last winter when I first started running. I ran 6 days in a row (didn't know you needed rest days) and then the shin splints hit. I couldn't even jump or run around with Teya, let alone run. I had to take a week off of running and then when I started again I would walk for 5-10 minutes, stop and stretch for 5-10, and then slowly ease into my run. It was time consuming but it made a huge difference. That and of course stretching a lot after. I've read that cross training and strengtheing the leg muscles can help prevent shin splints (yet another reason I will cross train SO much more next time!)

    As far as getting better though, I know taking a break from running sounds like death, but it's the best way to heal. I had to cut a lot of my runs when I get ITB syndrome and I was really nervous but it turned out to be fine. The main thing is that you keep up your cardio and keep strengthing your legs, which you can do through cross training. (elliptical, bike, walking on an incline, water jogging, etc...)

    Also, I was reading online that after you treat shin splints with R.I.C.E. That one of the most effective cures is heat and deep tissue massage. I went to a Sports Medicine place and did a couple of those to help out with my IT bands and even though they were pretty painful they made ALL the difference. so yeah, just throwing some thoughts out there. Luckily you still have 2 whole months before your race so even if you take time off you'll get it back no problem, especially with your level of fitness!

    Good luck and thanks for all your positive comments and support through my marathon training. I'm so excited for you and your sister, you're gonna do awesome!
