Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mid-week running

Good news- Justin has decided to run the provo riverwoods 10 mile race with me! So Tuesday we ran a mile or so together (because grandma had Makenzie and I pushed Jarom in an umbrella stroller!) and yesterday we took turns. He ran for 14 minutes (we don't know how far it was) and then I ran my usual 3 mile loop out to 90th. I decided to go for speed again and ran what I would consider my 5k race pace. Usually, when I push on this run, I start slower and finish strong. This time I decided to really push myself as hard as possible right from the getgo. By the time I finished the big uphill stretch on 90th, I was beat. I tried to keep pushing myself at the same pace but I could feel my body slowing down. My legs were tight and felt heavy. I pushed as hard as I could but the slowdown was obvious. I was really happy though, because even with my slowdown I beat my best time for that loop, and finished in 23:15 (just about 8 minute miles)! I would really like to run some shorter races while I train for this marathon just to see how good I can do!

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